Jesus Christ Teaches: The Path to Unity Through Love

Love for creation
Creation as a mirror for self-recognition

22. Exercise

My Friends! I call you that because, verily, I am truly so near to you as only a friend can be near to a friend. The good friend helps, the good friend stands by your side, but also makes you aware of your weaknesses and errors and, thereby, paths that are unnecessary for you to take.

Recognize that karmic paths do not necessarily have to be taken. Certain causes that you have once set can be settled through love in another incarnation. If this settlement does not take place, then the law of karma will begin to have effect: Whatsoever you sow, so shall you reap.

However, even during the time of reaping, My beloved friends, I JESUS CHRIST will be at the side of the one who recognizes himself in this process and who disburses forgiving love; for by this he walks the path I have gone before him.

In the moment when you seriously strive for My discipleship, I can erase a large portion of your karmic burden, due to your living of love. I have received this power by My FATHER’S mercy. That too is power [Comp. 21. exercise], power which every one of you bears within. It is the lofty power of Love and Mercy. This activated power is so strong that it can erase many violations–by this I mean karmic seeds that were sown. That means that the first sprouting of this karmic seed is transformed into a seed of love, joy and understanding, that is, by virtue of the POWER OF MERCY.

Truly, all power is rendered unto you–is this not wonderful? At the very moment that you recognize your bondage to an event or events from another incarnation, you are given the power of love in order to transform this bondage to a DIVINE connection in and of unity.

Whenever fellow human beings experience difficulties, and whenever subsequently you believe there is the need to criticize them, it is always your difficulty, and you yourself deserve the criticism. There are no exceptions.

Here, upon this earthly globe you cannot obtain perfection, even though I constantly remind you to become perfect, as your FATHER in heaven is perfect! This perfection, My dear students, cannot be obtained on the level of Order. You will not be perfect until you have reached GOD, your SOURCE.

As long as you are not yet one with the eternal Love, with the absolute Mercy, and the unlimited Patience, as long as you have not yet perfected yourselves in the DIVINE Natures, by this I mean fulfilling everything in and about you in DIVINE Order, my friends; for perfection also means to place all your wishes and your will into the Will of GOD, yes your entire self; for as long as you cannot raise your consciousness above your human existence, above all levels – expanding it beyond the material and reaching into the spiritual worlds, until everything is truly within you; as long as you have not developed DIVINE Wisdom in the deep recognition of your developing consciousness, and as long as you do not recognize DIVINE Justice, by walking Earth in justice and righteousness, until then, My friends, Earth will bind you.

The total material being still pulls and drags you, mirrors to you your material wishes and conceptions. During this time, man continues to fall, time and again. May he recognize himself in his transgressions in order to come nearer, a further but small step, to his perfection by virtue of his recognition.

Only when you have fully developed these four levels of consciousness, they are called Order, Will, Wisdom, and Justice, you are no longer earth-bound and can raise yourselves beyond the material level and can finally strive toward the spiritual and toward the eternal light of perfection. You finally accomplish this by way of Patience, Love, and Mercy, the last three being called GOD’S CHARACTERISTICS. The heavenly light irradiates you, visibly, and the angels are with you in their splendid luster. And they are among you and carry you toward the eternal home–by way of these levels of consciousness. Again, this being carried upward is done by your perfecting yourselves in ministering love; for love, My friends is the supporting element of all GOD’S Natures and Characteristics. Love is the life; love is the power and might of creation.

In the terrestrial spheres, in the material being, the passage is very narrow and is narrowing still the higher you reach, and this narrow path becomes very slippery. However, I am at your side, I am always the light for your path. If you are willing to lean on this light, to take the hand the light is extending to you, then the edge can be as narrow as it will, and as slippery, you may even slip and slide here and there, it is always I Who catches you. And what am I? Again, I am LOVE.

“And the WORD is become flesh and has dwelled among you.” The word of creation and the power of creation entered into a tiny human child and took up a dwelling among them. If you cling to this love, what can happen to you?

However, if you believe you could possibly dash forward alone upon this path, you may even manage to progress a large part of this narrow path, with a great amount of high-wire expertise; but if you rely upon your own power alone and do not humbly bow in love, therefore, if you do not take My hand, you will surely fall until you have developed completely these four levels within you, which are: Order, Will, Wisdom, and Justice. Only then will you leave behind the “fall-thoughts” of wanting to dominate and control others. Only then does the power of attraction of DIVINE Patience, Love and Mercy come into play. Then, nothing and no one can take away from you–any more–this power of attraction.

This sphere of Order, therefore, this life here upon the coarse material world is at the same time a wonderful opportunity of learning for you. For all perspectives are open to you here. You can take hundreds of paths. If you long for love, for light, all these paths will lead to the one goal. If your thoughts and sensations are still tightly connected with your ego, with controlling and dominating others and with further exploring the spheres of darkness, you will still be going toward the light, for even these paths–and I say this unto you with emphasis–in the last analysis will lead into the light.

Even those who do not walk the paths, which I call “exploring the darkness,” can let the experiences work for themselves when they let them become recognition for them. Not every child has to walk the bitterest of paths and tread the deepest depths, since consciousness is universal and since every created child can indeed partake of this universal consciousness and learn from it, thereby not having to walk every single path. That too is a gift from GOD, the FATHER to His children, into whose hands HE also placed free will as the loftiest gift of all.

These hands can truly accomplish both, on one side holding power, depicted by the earthly globe or the scepter, and on the other side giving ministering love, streaming forth blessing and healing.

Both can be linked, unequivocally, one with the other. Many of you, yes you yourselves, one or the other amongst you, have gone paths of power, with the scepter and the globe in one hand and giving blessings with the other. However, know that this kind of path is the hardest. It is the most slippery path of all, when the people bow before the potentate and raise him to their god.

How hard is it then for the human being in the garment of the potentate, to pass on the love his people bring toward him, immediately to pass it on to the ONE from WHOM comes all power. How quickly the ‘human being’ feels validated by his power and falls into thinking: “Am I not the Master of Ceremony of this Earth? All heed my word. Who knows if there even is another power outside of my power, one who is above me?” Already the pernicious thought is born, that says:

“I am greater; yes I am the only power and might, for outside of me there is nothing, for no one has ever seen HIM, the ALL-ONE [GOD].”

Beloved students, recognize how easy it is to fall, and recognize how deep one can fall as well! Still, even the worst fall is just another path home to the FATHER. This is how HE, the ETERNAL sees every one of his children: On the way home to HIM. And this is how you should see every one of your fellow-brothers and -sisters; for all are on their way home to the SOURCE. May there be ever so much hatred thrust to the surface of the soul, and may it express itself in and through mankind, it is the product of all the negativity having surmounted in the millions of years since the fall. This is for you an unimaginably long span of time, but before GOD it is merely the blink of an eye.

Time and space is merely a manifestation of the fall event, is only a manifestation of the material being.

Now, you are returning to infinity, you are leaving time and space step by step. And no matter how much you adhere–in your human state–to the concept of time, time is already no longer what it once was, for the vibration all about your center star [the sun] has raised tremendously. This means, the speed of the sun velocity and that of the milky ways–orbiting about a center of the collecting love of GOD–has increased tremendously. And this velocity, this speed will increase until zero time, faster than light. The FATHER in His love is collecting His children, is bringing them home, and with them the material being.

My beloved, for you this is a wonderful event. For you will live, work and help, in the midst of this event. Prepare yourselves now for this time of enormous consciousness-expansion! Leave the limitations of your human being far behind you. Open yourselves for the only power, which will help you to enter into this new consciousness, it is the ministering love! I extend to you My hand and plead with you: “Come, walk with Me, and everything about you will transform itself toward that which is full of light!”

We will leave the schooling in the nature kingdoms and will turn toward a new level. On this level you will look back upon your present life, by taking yourselves back to your child, youth, and adult years, always advancing in three-year steps. That is, you will watch the children, youth and adults, and use them as catalysts for your own past. For I will bring to the fore everything that lies deeply hidden within your souls–each according to his or her own striving and desire. If your steps toward ministering love are of the impetuous kinds, then I will take hold of you with My love, shake you up and rattle you until your soul releases everything from the deepest levels.

Together, we will take the path through the mirror image of your neighbor, by way of self-recognition. Wherever it is necessary, I will show you previous incarnations, perhaps in dream images, so that you may better understand your behavior. I will earnestly lead you by way of your mistakes and weaknesses, if you are willing; but always it is up to your free will if you wish to continue with Me on the path, which is, I repeat, also your own way of Golgotha: to forgive in love all those who mock and deride you and to carry all in love so that heaven can be opened also for your neighbor, by your life and by your own transformation.

Only by the love that is lived in ones daily life will you transform your old [mother] Earth and your fellow human beings. Be the workers in My vineyard! The harvest of this vineyard has already begun.

You have little time to ponder this new step, which we will walk together. Do not let the rush of your daily life take you prisoner, and do not let the glitter of matter blind you! You have made the first timid steps upon a road of light, for spiritually seen, this narrow path you are walking now is light-filled. Accompanied by the angels of the heavens you are walking toward your goal. These first timid steps now want to become stabilized, want to become longer, more advancing steps, bringing you closer to the pinnacle.

Yet, not right away will you go to your goal; for before the pinnacle is reached, the love admonishes you to turn about and look down the mountain path, so as to assist all those behind you who will return to perfection with you at the same time–and this is a human expression, for in eternity time does not exist.

Therefore, use the remaining days wisely, in preparation of Christmas! Enter into the stillness of your inner temple in the center of your heart! Light the candles–externally as well as in the inner being of your selves! Slow down from your busy activities even during the day and enter into your inner chamber, and be it only for a few seconds! Now power will stream toward you that will help you along. Prepare yourselves for my birth within you! Don’t you want to adorn this inner Temple–with the candles of selfless love, with faithfulness, belief, and trust? Won’t you place the straw of love into My manger? Love, which you give to your neighbor without expecting compensation?

[I am speaking about] a love that bows before one’s neighbor, that gives [gifts] even to those who are not well disposed toward them. Would you not want to try to place into My manger the straw of self-mastery and overcoming the ego? May your inner Christmas shine brightly in the light of these candles, in the brightness of love, so that I can awaken to life within you even if it is only the power of an infant at first?

My friends, with your growth of love and being able to give love, I will give you more and more My gifts from the fullness; for I may only give you as much as you ask Me to give, as much as you are able to absorb at that time. If your inner temple is stopped up and stuffed with your own wishes and conceptions, what can I offer to you? Your inner being has to be empty first.

Create a holy space within you, a sanctified space, so that the blessing of the MOST HIGH can be given to you in the HOLY NIGHT, in the fullness that you can absorb. I give you all power, all love. What are you willing to give to Me?

My friends, you are blessed in the name of the FATHER. Freely you have come and freely you are leaving [this place]. No one can take from you the inner freedom, which is given unto every child.




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Love-Light-Circle of Jesus Christ Way to Unity, 22. Exercise
Inspired impulse