Jesus Christ Teaches: The Path to Unity Through Love

Love for creation
Creation as a mirror for self-recognition

21. Exercise

The peace of the heavens is calling on you. I, JESUS CHRIST, am in your midst. Amused by your verbal fights, we of the spirit are viewing your human thoughts. Full of conviction, you are singing the words of love, about how I am leading you into unity with GOD THE FATHER. However, not only you; but the ETERNALLY ALL-ONE [GOD] guides all of His children, each one on his [individual] path. Lastly, therefore, the Power of Love rules, even though this Power of Love bows deeply before each child.

You have set out to understand this mystery. You have spanned cosmic widths [and breadths] in order to explore the darkness here, in the spheres of the fall, and in order to be a light in this darkness, equipped with the fullness of heavenly gifts, which are: love, mercy, patience, understanding, meekness, and humility. You draw from the divine fullness and you ask the question: “Are we not all puppets on this Earth, ruled and pushed back and forth like the chess pieces on the board?” Can you tell the humor in My words? Every single one of you [is] a child of the MOST HIGH! Are you forgetting your true being while in your human garment?

Who dares to push around this child of God? I say unto you: Nobody, for this child of the MOST HIGH has the absolute free will, and has set out in order to make use of this free will as a light-filled being. No matter who stands before you, my beloved students, they are all your brothers or sisters who, just like you, left home in order to traverse through the widths and breadths of creation, and in order to explore the darkness–for you as well–so that you need not walk every single difficult path yourselves.

No matter what happens on this planet, love will conquer!

When My foot stepped upon this earth, I knew that thorns were lying in My path. And I, the LOVE , walked this path voluntarily. I let them chide and ridicule Me, those who believed to be empowered in the spheres of the fall.

Do they really possess the power? Look about you, where has this power led them? I place My sensations into your heart: Out of ignorance the region of power, Earth, is being destroyed systematically. This power will destroy itself.

Who rules this world? – It is GOD the FATHER Who, in His unending love allows His children to do what they will, until they recognize their wrongdoings by their experiences and the following recognition, after which they will take on the journey homeward again.

Power leads to perdition. Power is simply a brief flare-up of a seeming subjugation of others, even subjugation of matter. [I say] seeming because this power will collapse within itself. When you look at history you can notice the collapse of great kingdoms.

I say unto you: “He who is rich with earthly wealth today will be poor tomorrow.”

Many a rich man who had come into this world with the hard and fast intention to use a wealthy life for the good of others will be saddened in the beyond, when he looks upon his earthly life and sees that his soul was not able to govern or dominate his human being. He will deeply regret his weakness, if the human being misused the earthly goods for his own good and well-being and even to subjugate his fellow man. He again set up karmic causes that will come into effect in a further life.

Recognize, my beloved, that heaven often gives into the wish to have power on this Earth in order to help love make its breakthrough. I say unto you, the angel messengers were once incarnated rulers, and their ‘human being’ paid no attention to the irradiation of the soul, which admonished the human being, even pleaded with him. Again, the human being misused his power. He forgot that he had wanted to use his power to help love make its breakthrough, because he thought that, as ruler he would succeed more easily. These are always single accounts of fate, and every soul is taught before he or she steps upon Earth, so that he might bring to it love and peace. The soul is taught and prepared for the fact that power is a great temptation for the soul in the human garment and still, the soul seizes this power. Thus it walks through the experience and learns [submission].

In recognition, the power lies down before the throne of the MOST HIGH, and says: “FATHER, I HAVE LEARNED THAT YOUR POWER MEANS TO MINISTER IN LOVE while in the human garment, to bow down humbly before each of my fellow-man. I have learned, oh FATHER, that this is not possible in the garb of a ruler. And so I will go again into another incarnation. And I will learn to love humbly, as a simple human child and as thousands and thousands of others. As mother, as father, with a simple profession I will be Your child in the garment of humble love and will work wherever I live, and will radiate that, which You, oh Father, have placed within me as my heritage.”

Look about you on this earth; look into the faces of the rulers and look into the faces of the billionaires, those who you believe pull the strings! By what are they driven? They are not masters over themselves, oh no. It is their fears that are driving them, their need for more and more; to further expand their position of power, because there may be someone with even greater power to take over their rank. Their path is one of restlessness and without peace. They have silenced their conscience, you believe? Oh no, they are restless and without stillness so that they can shout down their conscience, which is indeed showing them their sinfulness. Again and again pictures rise up from the soul and force themselves upon the human being–be they horrible visions thrown upon the human being by the soul. They are not the ones you presume them to be, the ones who are the hunters and those making the rules. Instead, they are the hunted ones, no longer masters of their own game until they recognize that they are on the wrong path in their hunt, and that they are in the last analysis the hunted ones.

In the manner in which you are gathered here, My beloved, you are able to immerse yourselves into the stillness, listen to your inner being and link with your own soul. And the spiritual world can quicken you, can enter into your aura so that all darkness and obscurity leaves you. Joy rises up in you, and you fathom the presence of the heavens awakening in you. Whenever you wish you can bring heaven near to you.

But those who, you believe, are wielding authority are unable to do so. Put yourselves into their world of sensation. Think for a moment of their fears and of their next chess move, which they plan ahead of time only to have a different outcome altogether, and which always make more and greater demands of them: The seeming puppeteer is being played.

Now your justified question: By whom is he being played? And you believe that behind it is the darkness or the power exploring the darkness. However, I say unto you, it is GOD the ETERNAL WHO is behind it. May he who can grasp it do so; for it is His love which irradiates the child so that he can take the paths he wishes, even when they are the wrong paths. It is the FATHER WHO calls incessantly so that the hunter becomes the hunted. No matter where he goes, the FATHER is there calling out to him. No matter what kind of clever next move he–the small human being–might make, the Father knows it ahead of time, for nothing is hidden from HIM, and HE guides HIS child gently. He guides His child without taking away his free will, but in a protective way. He protects His child and guides him through all his experiences on the different paths the child himself has chosen in his free will. And all these different paths will in the last analysis all flow together into the one path, the path that leads homeward.

Let us turn to another topic now, let us enter the nature kingdoms, which serve [mankind] in love.

Verily, everything you consider as natural occurrences, the growth and flourishing of the plants and flowers, the wilting process, all of it is watched over by the helpers of nature. They work hand in hand, catching the vital forces from GOD’S natures of Order, Will, Wisdom, and Justice, and they guide these rays into the mineral, plant, and animal kingdoms, and by this they help raise the basic vibration [of all things]. Invisibly to you and therefore in secret, I would say like alchemists, they transform the chemical substances.

A human being has tried experiments by depriving a plant a certain substance for its growth. Then the human being waited to see if the plant would grow anyway. Surprised, he noticed that the plant grew in spite of this missing nourishing element. When the plant was examined, it was noticed that the element was indeed present in the plant, even though the latter was not able to take the substance from the filtered air and earth. The scientists were perplexed when confronted with this puzzle: How could the plant manufacture this substance?

Your scientists do not know about the weaving and working, growing and transforming with the help of the nature beings, for whom there are no such things as impenetrable walls. If it is in the will of GOD for the plant to grow, it will grow. However, if it is GOD’S will that the plant should pass on, it will do so.

Here, too, I am asking you not to slip backwards into your ‘human thinking.’ The human being blames himself for the dying of the plants, and he has for the most part truly asked for it. But I say unto you, the life force comes entirely from the CREATOR SPIRIT , Whose power is LOVE . This life force maintains the plant for as long as the CREATOR SPIRIT wants it so. When HE takes back His life force because another epoch comes to an end, even the nature beings will not interfere any longer, for it is not in the will of ETERNAL LOVE . Think spiritually in this as well!

If the human beings had not sinned against the earth, this your old Earth still would have been transformed with all its plants, minerals, and animals, yes with all of yourselves–at the end of time. Whether it happens in this way or another way, the time of transformation is designated. Even that, my beloved, is brought to you in the fairy tales and myths.

You spoke about the fairy tale Snow White, Hansel and Gretel and the mystical interpretation of these fairy tales. You are all Snow Whites! You had to separate and go your own way. You are also Hansel and Gretel. It is not the bad stepmother or the parents who reject you. They are only the symbol for the process of cutting the umbilical cord: Now my child, go on your way. Go and seek it, for only by your experience, by your recognition, will you learn to appreciate the eternal light of LOVE.

And thus you are trekking through the seven mountains of Order, Will, Wisdom, Justice, Patience, Love, and Mercy. Through these you perfect yourselves in the natures and characteristics of GOD, realizing at the end of your way that in the divine sense, power simply means to minister in love. And so you serve either the gnomes or the witch. You minister and the temptations of the world approach you. Master the temptations, just as I have mastered them. Every single one of you is walking My path as My disciple. Once you have passed through the tests, you will suffer a seeming death, just as Snow White suffered it in the mystical fairy tale. It is the renouncing of all worldly being, and I, JESUS CHRIST, Am the one Who awakens My bride with a kiss, to remain awake in all eternity. You have come home, Snow White, home to the royal castle of the eternal home, the SOURCE.

Hansel and Gretel too are serving as brother and sister. And here again are the temptations. The witch is the symbol of that which is secular, which has to be burned in the fire, dissolved, so that the detour through the forest becomes the path leading home.

Earth is the planet of purification. Let the fire purify you so that your treasures that you will take along will not be precious stones, which the light will swallow, but that they reflect the light of love a thousand-fold.

Do not lose these treasures by seeking even further treasures, but keep your eyes on your goal, on your home and walk through this your earthly path until you come to the water, to the crossover into the next higher level, the level of the DIVINE WILL!

Verily, My dear friends, your ancestors knew the treasures of the mystical meaning of your fairy tales, of your myths. They were still able to see the fairies, the elves, gnomes, and devas, and they were delighted by their friends from the nature kingdoms. They still dwelled with them. That too was told to you in a mythical story, about the gnomes who helped the humans with their work. Even today, all nature kingdoms are ready to serve mankind with deep and devoted love.

What does man do? Not only does he trample carelessly through the fields and meadows. He spreads about his dark thoughts and indulges his ego...Think about yourselves, inasmuch as My words still have to do with you! Are you such dark figures as well, who rule in the woods, or is your step light and bouncy as you walk, and are your senses and your thoughts inclined to the heavens?

Verily, everything feels and senses along with you. When you spread light about you, light will stream toward you as well. But when you spread darkness around you, by your dark sensations, thoughts, words and actions, you will also link with all the darkness that still rules this earth.

At the same time you will enter into the energy field of the hunted one, as I have disclosed to you at the beginning of today’s revelation. If you wish to be free, be light and your consciousness will spread through your human body and beyond it into the cosmos, as I have already explained to you, and into the infinite widths and breadths of creation. Everything is within you and everything ministers to you and you to it. It is then that you are spiritual rulers. Do you understand the difference? Now you will also understand why we are amused over your words and over your discussions.

So be light, light of the FATHER’S LIGHT and love of His LOVE! Transform yourselves toward the light-filled being, and thereby everything else will transform itself as well. Forget your personality [the human being], turn toward the ‘WE.’ Examine yourselves in how much the ‘I’, the ego, is still in the foreground. Become the ‘WE’ and enter into the unity of divine fellowship with all angels and all spirits who are striving toward the light of love.

My blessing is with you and with all–near and far–who are underway on the paths homeward into the FATHER’S HOUSE.




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Love-Light-Circle of Jesus Christ Way to Unity, 21. Exercise
Inspired impulse